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Practitioner's Tool / Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) 2

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Features of ABR Systems
=== Features of ABR Systems ===
When adequately reinforced, ABR systems may be installed under driveways, parking areas, play grounds or other open spaces. The tanks are usually constructed completely underground with manholes or access ports as the only protrusions. ABRs, being passive systems requiring no electricity to operate, are truly low-cost technologies. However, ABRs, while more efficient than septic tanks, will still require secondary treatment to provide a quality of effluent suitable for discharge. Secondary treatment may be in the form of soils treatment (leach trenches if soils are adequate), constructed wetlands, sand or media filtration. Some designers will combine ABRs with mechanical treatment such as sequencing batch reactors to provide a highly treated wastewater effluent. Visit our  [[Sequencing_Batch_Reactors|page on sequencing batch reactors]] for more information on these systems.
=== The Tank ===
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