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Expenditure Direct Support (ExpDS)

180 bytes added, 04:28, 12 January 2013
|style="background-color:LightCyan;"|Direct support by local government
|style="background-color:LightCyan;"|Local government is formally mandated to support external service providers and fulfills the support agent function internally, for example through local government technicians.
|Local government subcontracting a specialised agency or individuals
|Local governments contract an urban utility, a private company or an NGO to provide support. They may also contract individual entrepreneurs, such as handpump mechanics who provide a mix of direct support and operation and maintenance activities.
|style="background-color:LightCyan;"|Central government of parastatal agencies|style="background-color:LightCyan;"|National government provides direct support from a national level, or via deconcentrated offices, or subcontracts a specialised agency to provide support.
|Association of community-based service providers
|Community-based service providers establish an association and then provide support to each other or hire a technician to support members of the association.
|style="background-color:LightCyan;"|NGOs|style="background-color:LightCyan;"|In many cases, support provided by NGOs is ad hoc. Still there are a few examples where NOGs still have specific, direct support programmes.
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