Surface level tanks

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Revision as of 06:23, 17 October 2013 by Winona (talk | contribs)

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Ground level tanks are exposed to the elements and will require regular maintenance to the exterior shell, but are beneficial for a smaller demand of water for a household and irrigation.

Storage tank for rooftop harvesting icon.png
Ferro jars icon.png
Plastic-lined tank icon.png
Storage tank for rooftop harvesting icon.png
Plastic-lined tank icon.png
800px-FerrocementTank small.jpg
Ferrocement water jar finished small.jpg
PlasticLinedTank small.jpg
Brickcement small.jpg
Concrete-lined earthen diagram small.jpg
Wire-cement tank icon.png
Bladder tank icon.png
Oxfam tank icon.png
Wire-cement tank icon.png
Repair tanks icon.png
Commercial tank small.jpg
Pillow bladder small.jpg
Oxfam tanks small.jpg
Mesh tank small.jpg
Galvanized iron sheet tanks small.jpg

Field experiences

These projects may be utilizing surface level tanks and are part of the project listing in Really Simple Reporting (RSR) on

Project 476
Akvo RSR Project: Ensure access to safe water and sanitation

Salinity, arsenic, lack of proper IWRM, and incidence of natural disasters in the three districts of the Southwest coastal belt of Bangladesh cause a lot of socioeconomic and health related problems. The programme is right-based and strengthens knowledge and capacity of community WASH groups as well as local government institutions. As problems are multifaceted, the programme uses a multi-pronged strategy and facilitates partnership with existing institutional stakeholders relevant for WASH sector.
