Capital Expenditure (CapEx)

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Revision as of 04:16, 12 December 2012 by Winona (talk | contribs) (Links)

Capital Expenditure is the costs of providing a water or sanitation service to users where there was no service before; or of substantially increasing the level of services received by users. It includes the capital invested in first time construction or purchase of fixed assets such as concrete structures, wells, pumps, pipes or toilets prior to implementation of the service and to improve or expand existing water or sanitation systems. Costs for rehabilitation or replacement of major parts of a water or sanitation system, such as replacing a pump, are considered expenditure on capital maintenance (CapManEx).

Capital expenditure (CapEx) consists of expenses on hardware and software (see figure 1). Capital expenditure hardware (CapEx hrd) includes expenditure on fixed assets as pumps, pipes, etc. and required equipment such as vehicles or offices to support the construction of water and sanitation systems prior to implementation of the service. Capital Expenditure software (CapEx Sft) includes the costs of one-off work with stakeholders prior to construction or implementation or extension of the service such as one-off training of pump mechanics or caretakers, community mobilisation or hygiene education.

Figure 1 Capital Expenditure (CapEx)

Cost components Brief description
Capital expenditure (CapEx)
The costs of providing a service where there was none before; or of substantially increasing the level of services.
Capital Expenditure Hardware (CapExHrd) Capital investment in fixed assets, such as concrete structures, pumps, pipes, and latrines either to develop or extend a service.
Capital Expenditure Software (CapExSft) Expenditure on one-off work with stakeholders prior to construction or implementation, extension, enhancement and augmentation (including one-off capacity building).

Source: Smits, 2011, 7.


According to the 2012 GLAAS report (WHO and UN-Water, 2012, 29), 69% of funds for water and sanitation expended in 11 respondent countries were directed towards Capital Expenditure (see figure 2).

Figure 2 Capital expenditure versus operational and maintenance expenditure

Source: WHO and UN-Water, 2012, 29

Capital expenditure water service delivery

Based on research from the #WASHCost project, Capital Expenditure (CapEx) to provide a basic level of water service with a borehole and handpump (at 2011 prices) range from US$ 20 per person to just over US$ 60 per person (see figure 3). For small schemes, including mechanised boreholes and piped supplies, the costs range from US$ 30 to just over US$ 130 per person. For intermediate and larger schemes benchmark capital costs vary widely from US$ 20 to US$ 152 per person.

Figure 3 Total Capital Expenditure per person for borehole and handpump, small schemes and intermediate to large schemes required for a basic level of service

Cost component Primary formal water source in area of intervention Cost range US$ (2011) [min-max]
Total capital expenditure (total per person) Borehole and handpump [20-61]
Small schemes (serving less than 500 people) or medium schemes (serving between 500-5000 people) including: mechanised boreholes, single town schemes, multi-town schemes and mixed, piped supply. [30-131]
Intermediate (5001-15.000 or larger, more than 15.001) [20-152]

Source: IRC, 2012a, 1.

Key Documents

In partnership with IRC and the Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network, WASHCost studied the historical trends and drivers of adopting Rain Water Harvesting (RWH). Detailed comparisons are made between life-cycle costs of RWH systems and the life-cycle costs of other water supply systems.

This briefing note presents an application of the life-cycle costs (LCCA) approach to sanitation in rural and peri-urban areas in four different countries— Andhra Pradesh (India), Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Mozambique. The document compares the differences between the financial costs of traditional and improved latrines, and the quality of service delivered to users.

  • Fonseca, C. et al., 2011. Life-cycle costs approach: costing sustainable services. (WASHCost briefing note; 1a). The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.

This briefing note describes the life-cycle costs approach and why it was developed. It explains the main cost components for water and sanitation in rural and peri-urban areas.

Information sheet provides an overview of the minimum benchmarks for costing sustainable basic services in developing countries. The benchmarks have been derived from the WASHCost project dataset and the best available cost data from other organisations all over the world. The benchmarks are useful for planning, assessing sustainability from a cost perspective and for monitoring value for money.


  • WASHCost was a five-year action research programme, running from 2008 to 2012. The WASHCost team gathered information related to the costs of providing water, sanitation, and hygiene services for an entire life-cycle of a service - from implementation all the way to post-construction. The WASHCost programme was led by IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre with several partners to collect data in the rural and peri-urban areas of Burkina Faso, Ghana, India, and Mozambique. For more information see

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